Monday, December 30, 2019

2020: A Decade in Hindsight

What from the past ten years stands out for you?
Happy New Year!  Wow, 2020—A NEW DECADE!

We see things most clearly in hindsight, they say.  And looking back on this decade, it’s hard to believe how much has transpired—for me personally and in the culture.

In the Netflix documentary Date with Destiny, Tony Robbins says, “We overestimate what we can get done in a year, and underestimate what we can accomplish in a decade."

And although many of these past ten years felt like they were moving at a snail’s pace, I’m amazed, looking back, at how much I accomplished: I ran 2 marathons, completed two 200+ mile hikes, and grew a tiny craft business from nothing until it was my principal source of income.

And SOO many new friendships and adventures.

Plus, I developed an entirely new skill: teaching!

Looking Back, Culturally

Vanity Fair aptly named 2010-19 a “content decade” in its piece,  "A Decade in Content".  They mention the proliferation of anonymous Twitter accounts, such as @sosadtoday, which I really enjoy. 

In my own reflections, I am amazed at some other developments this decade.

Instagram started in 2010!  And what a catalyst it’s been.  Print adds, billboards and television commercials are Neanderthals: now it’s all about influencers and content marketing.

In these post-IG days, it's almost more important what food looks like than how it tastes!  
Netflix Goes International
Although Netflix was around before this decade (it began in 2007), it started streaming internationally in 2010.

It’s now deeply entrenched worldwide: 62% of its subscribers come from outisde the US.  Netflix hires local directors, actors, and filmmakers to create material targeted for specific international audiences.

Netflix’s ubiquity has changed the way we consume content—broadcast television is out and streaming is most definitely in. Major $$$ are being spent creating content on SO MANY new and upcoming platforms, including Disney+, Quibi, Peacock and AppleTV+.

Jennifer Lawrence broke onto the scene in 2010 with her performance in Winter’s Bone.  She’s become such a phenomenon, what-with the Hunger Games series, all the David O’Russell films (Joy, American Hustle, Silver Linings Playbook), and MORE, that it’s hard to remember a time without her.

And Lena Dunham, too, made her debut with Tiny Furniture in 2010.  Shortly after, she went onto create the show Girls.  

Although truth be told, I have a hard time taking Dunham seriously (for many reasons, including her double-speak over the MeToo movement), it’s undeniable she’s made quite a splash.

Your Reflections

How about you?  Do you like to reflect on your past, or are you more inclined to look ahead?

And what stands out culturally for you this past decade?


  1. Happy New Year! I totally agree with the quote - we tend to underestimate what can happen within a decade. We are so focused in the last 12 months that we forget about the 120! I can't believe so many of these online services started last decade. Hope the 2020's will treat you well! I've seen the takeover of MySpace by Facebook in the last decade, that was the biggest moment!

    Nancy ♥

    1. Happy New Year to you as well, Nancy! It's been so great reading your blog this past year. Looking forward to this next decade.


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