Thursday, September 13, 2018

Bob Woodward's Interview Circuit

I'm amazed at the number of interviews Bob Woodward's given in the past few days about his anti-Trump book, Fear.  He's been on the New York Time's podcast Daily, the Stephen Colbert Show, Fresh Air, and Fox News with Dana Perino (which is described as an exclusive interview--ha!), Anderson Cooper, and probably more. 

Maybe this interview circuit is par-for-the-course when someone of note releases a new book.  However, it almost felt frenzied this time around, like hungry dogs wanting a bit of a piece of meat.  These interviews took place within seconds of Fear's September 11th release date.  (And need we even discuss the cahoots behind Simon & Schuster choosing this date?)

That is to say, the media seems ravenous to devour this book and exploit the message, as Woodward is someone with cachet who's on their side.

Is the a case of the elites circling the wagon?  

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