Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Royal Wedding

I wish the best to Meghan Markle.  It's hard to watch a royal wedding and not remember how miserably unhappy poor, naive Princess Diana was (the twenty-year-old who actually went through with marriage to a man who publicly answered “I guess so....whatever that means” to questions during their engagement about whether or not the two of them were in love).

And I suppose that the Royal family has learned from their mistakes, blah blah blah; Kate's wedding was prudently delayed in order to give Prince William time to mature.  And the two of them seem to be basking in coital/marital bliss.  The philandering Prince Charles hasn't manifested himself in his sons.  So it seems. 

It was disconcerting, however, to read that Markle ended her acting career and closed her social media accounts in preparation for the marriage.  It was in exchange for so much more, the extensive coverage of her wedding implies, as she was to become not only a wife, but a princess.

Such notions make the wedding an anachronism.  And totally cancel the idea that her wedding was SOOOOOOOO progressive.  But more to the point, makes her happiness solely dependant on the success of the marriage. 

She certainly had better hope Prince Harry isn't a reincarnation of Charles (or that if he is, she has the emotional maturity to stand it). Because given that she's closed the door on everything else about herself, the marriage is all she's got. 

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